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The HEC Foundation

A government-recognized public-interest organization, founded in 1972, the HEC Foundation contributes to the development of strategic academic projects at HEC Paris through the funding of student scholarships, entrepreneurship, digital transformation, social responsibility and international diversity.

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The HEC Foundation  provides generous funding to stimulate top-level academic research at HEC Paris. It offers ample research grants to professors and other researchers at HEC Paris. Many of these research fundings offered in annual or multiyear grants benefit HEC Paris' PhD students who collaborate in the funded projects. 

Supported by individual Alumni and over 40 corporate partners, the HEC Foundation is the main source of funding for PhD students.


The HEC Foundation PhD Dissertation Award

The annual “HEC Foundation Awards Ceremony” awards HEC Paris students for the academic rigor of their analyses and for the pertinence of their work for the business world. 

List of  “Doctoral Dissertation Award” winners: 

2023: Maxime Bonelli, Finance
Three essays on innovation and human capital in the investment management industry
Supervisor: Professor A.Landier

2022: Claire Linares, Marketing
Three Essays on Consumer Social Cognition in a Technology-Rich world
Supervisor: Professor Anne-Laure Sellier

2021: Junli Zhao, Finance,
Essays on intermediation in financial markets
Supervisor: Professor Jean-Edouard Colliard

2020: Fei Gao, Marketing,
Improving consumer welfare with marketing interventions.
Supervisors: Professors Tina. Lowrey and LJ Shrum

2019: Romain Boulongne, Strategy and Business Policy,
When is ambiguity favorable? An experimental and theoretical investigation of multiple categorization process in markets.
Supervisor: Professor Rodolphe Durand

2018: Yin Wang, Accounting and Management Control, 
Essays on Corporate Disclosure. 
Supervisor: Professor V. Capkun

2017: Cedric Gutierrez Moreno,  Strategy and Business Policy, 
Three essays on entrepreneurial decision making. 
Supervisors: Professors Thomas Astebro and Mohammed Abdellaoui

2016: Anne Jacqueminet, Strategy and Business Policy, 
Heterogeneous implementation of CSR in an MNE: the role of subsidiaries’ institutional contexts and behaviors. 
Supervisor: Professor Rodolphe Durand

2015: Boris Vallée, Finance, 
Three Essays on Financial Innovation. 
Supervisors: Professors Uli Hege and Christophe Pérignon

2014: Jérôme Dugast, Finance,
Essays in Financial Market Microstructure. 
Supervisor: Professor Thierry Foucault

2013: Ilze Kivleniece,  Strategy and Business Policy,
Public-Private Ties : Three Essays on Public-Private Boundary  Choices, Governance Tradeoffs and Value Implications.
Supervisor: Professor Bertrand Quelin

2012: Julien Jourdan, Strategy and Business Policy,
Logic Duality, Conformity, and Survival in the French Film Industry, 1987/2008. 
Supervisor: Professor Rodolphe Durand