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A CNRS - HEC Paris joint Research Lab

HEC's PhD students, active HEC researchers and CNRS researchers are members of the GREGHEC, which is a joint research center between HEC and CNRS. 

The GREGHEC attributes a significant part of its budget to PhD research projects to support needs for financial support that is not covered by our conference and academic visits funding. In particular, GREGHEC can finance the purchase of books or small computer equipment, travel for data collection, travel to conference / workshops / training where you do not present a paper, etc. They organize several funding commissions over the year, in general in fall, winter and spring



The Groupement de Recherche et d’Etudes en Gestion- HEC Paris (GREGHEC) is a CNRS - HEC Paris joint research lab located on our campus. HEC PhD students are automatically members of the Laboratory and benefit from the lab and may apply for financial support to cover specific projects (access to databases, travelling for their research, etc).
GREGHEC is one of the largest joint research laboratories in the fields of economics and management in France.

The research activities are organized both across the eight academic departments of HEC Paris corresponding to the main management disciplines and across several multidisciplinary research centers.

Christophe Pérignon, Associate Dean for Research of HEC Paris has been the head of GREGHEC since July 2016. He relies on a Laboratory Council made up of 10 persons elected or nominated (6 researchers, one PhD student, the administrative manager of the Lab and the Dean of Faculty of HEC Paris).