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“Share and Dare” panel with Hubert Joly in New York

Full House at Villa Albertine New York for an energizing evening of powerful insights shared by Hubert Joly on purposeful leadership as a meaningful way to unlock growth and business.

Hubert Joly New York Chapter

On March 24, Hubert Joly (H. 81), former CEO of Best Buy and Major Donor of HEC’s Foundation, was the latest “Share and Dare with Forward Thinkers” guest speaker. The conference was kindly welcomed by Villa Albertine and sponsorised by LVMH. Along with HEC Paris and the HEC Foundation, he created the Joly Family Chair in Purposeful Leadership.

Interviewed by New York Chapter President Anne-Claire Berg, they discussed his 2021 bestseller, The Heart of Business: Leadership Principles for the Next Era of Capitalism. The debate dealt with the urgent refoundation of business around purpose and people, which is the core subject of the Joly Family Chair.

Passionate discussions invited all participants to deeply rethink “business as a force for good by putting human capital at the center of organizations and embracing all stakeholders’ positive engagement culture”.


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