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This course introduces business strategy focused on digital disruption and business transformation.

It’s about why and how digital technologies (mobile, social, cloud, big data, internet of things, 3D printing, etc…) are reshaping value creation, growth, and delivering products or services around the world.

This course links business strategy, business models and digital features in order to develop students’ business strategy skills and critical thinking embedding digital knowledge. The spread and scale of the topic is so significant that digital acumen is nowadays a core component of business strategy.

At the end of the course, students should:

  1. Know what digital means
  2. Understand the power and impact of digital for strategy analysis, design and execution, and its power for any business models
  3. Assess digital’s potential threats or opportunities for a given market, either to identify new business opportunities, or adapt transform themselves
  4. Understand key road blocks, challenges and components of a digital business strategy for incumbents
  5. Know about disruptive technology.
  1. Dive into the new world launched 15 years ago: What is digital?, key trends and "survival kit"
  2. New rules of business strategy
  3. Disruptive technology
  4. Reinvent the customer journey
  5. Incumbents battles: business model
  6. Incumbents challenges: resources & capabilities.