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Christine Laurens

Directors of Friends of HEC Inc.

Chief Financial Officer and Partner, Kearney



Her biography :

Christine Laurens is Chief Financial Officer and Partner of A.T. Kearney, based in Chicago since 2014.

She started as a manager in the Telecommunications and Media practice in the audit and transaction services departments of Ernst & Young (EY) in Paris from 1994 to 1998.
Then, she continued her career as Managing Director of the French subsidiary of in Paris until 2001, before joining Keyrus as Chief Financial Officer.
In 2002, she joined AT Kearney in Paris as Chief Financial Officer for South West Europe until 2005. Within the same company, she held various financial positions, Chief Administrative and Financial Officer France from 2006 to 2008, Chief Financial Officer EMEA from 2009 to 2012 and Vice-President Finance Monde from 2013.

Christine Laurens is graduated from the DECF, HEC Paris (Master in Management) and the ESADE Barcelona (Master in International Management). She also completed the Leading Professional Services Firms program at Harvard Business School Executive Education.

She has been supporting the HEC Foundation for more 10 years.