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HEC Affiliate Professor Marc Beretta publishes a new book based on 20 years of experience as a coach of top executives. The book, “Leadership Landmarks: Going Behind the Scenes of Leadership and Human Development”, takes the reader behind the scenes of effective leadership and personal development. ...
HEC Paris Associate Professor Antonin Bergeaud, has been chosen as one of the three nominees for the 2024 Best Young Economist Award. This prize was created by the Cercle des Economistes and the Le Monde daily, along with Professors Fanny Henriet at the Aix-Marseille School of Economics and Benjamin ...
Federica De Stefano has been an Assistant Professor of Management and Human Resources at HEC Paris since 2020. Among other courses, she teaches “People Analytics: Data for People Management” to MBA students. She has received several research grants and was just nominated by Poets & Quants as one of ...
On 29 March 2024, HEC Paris organized a seminar on “Conditionality and the Rule of Law in the European Union” as a part of the European project RED-SPINEL (“Respond to Emerging Dissensus: SuPrantional Instruments and Norms of European Democracy”). The participants discussed challenges raised by new ...
HEC Paris and Harvard Business Publishing Education (HBP Education) have signed a new collaboration to increase the school’s visibility through its case studies. HEC joins an elite group of institutions distributing cases globally through the HBP Education catalog.
The HEC Sustainability & Organizations Institute (S&O) hosted the 2024 Purpose Day in the stately Hôtel de l’industrie, a stone’s throw from Paris’mythical Deux Magots and Café Flore. “Purpose at Work” and “Visions of Purpose”: the chosen topics for this second edition of the annual event brought ...
Professor L.J. Shrum, a distinguished figure in Marketing, has been honored with the Fellow Award 2024 by the Society of Consumer Psychology (SCP), alongside Margaret Campbell from the University of California, Riverside. The Fellow Award is the highest honor SCP awards.
On March 26, Arnaud Van Waeyenberge, Professor of Law at HEC Paris, faced the highest authorities of the European Union at a COSAC plenary session to present solutions for improving the protection of the rule of law, based on his recent research. His speech was a strong plea for greater involvement ...
90 year-old Daniel Kahneman is no more. He died on March 26, announced his partner Barbara Tversky. On October 7, 2022, HEC had the immense honor of welcoming Professor Kahneman to its campus to award him an Honorary Doctorate for his lifetime achievements in the fields of psychology and economics ...
For its 47th edition, the HEC Foundation Awards once again recognized the outstanding publications by research professors at HEC Paris. From finance to marketing, from corporate strategy to information systems, the production of new knowledge is geared towards impact in its many different dimensions ...