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Inquire Europe Rewards Research Co-Authored by Irina Zviadadze

At its Autumn Seminar 2023 Inquire Europe awarded the first prize to a paper co-authored by Irina Zviadadze, associate professor of finance at HEC Paris.

Irina ZVIADADZE - media news

The prize committees of Inquire Europe awarded the prize for the best paper presented at its Autumn Seminar 2023 to the research entitled “What is Missing in Asset-Pricing Factor Models” co-written by Irina Zviadadze who is an associate professor of finance at HEC Paris with Raman Uppal from EDHEC Business School, and Massimo Dello-Preite and Paolo Zaffaroni from Imperial College London.

The Institute for Quantitative Research in Europe (Inquire Europe) is a non-profit professional organization that was founded in Berlin in 1990 to bring together investment professionals (consulting firms, stockbrokers, banks, etc.). It supports academic research projects that yield valuable insights for the field of investment management.

“We congratulate our winner, and we are delighted this paper was submitted for presentation at the Inquire Europe seminar. The Prize Committee enjoyed the clarity of the presentation and the real practical interest of the study. The audience also gave very high marks which shows it was also convinced of the quality and the relevance of the work” the organizers said in a statement.

Inquire Research projects cover activities in the areas of finance, such as basic and applied securities analysis, analysis of the financial structure of industries with reference to capital, investment, profits and losses, and the use of quantitative methods in financial management and portfolio management. The working paper “What is Missing in Asset-Pricing Models” addresses shortcomings of existing asset-pricing models; it can be downloaded here.