Tristan TOMALA
Economics and Decision Sciences

Tristan Tomala was a student at ENSAE before doing a Ph.D. on game theory (defended in 1996) at University Paris I. Prior to joining HEC Paris, he was assistant professor (maitre de conférences) at University Paris Dauphine. His research interests are about the various aspects of information and communication in dynamic games. He studies strategic information transmission in repeated games using information theory, graph theory and cryptography and has also a special interest for information and communcation networks.
His recent works are published in Games and Economic Behavior, Mathematics of Operations Research, Theoretical Economics, Journal of Economic Theory.
At HEC, he teaches managerial economics, microeconomics and game theory to HEC 1st year, the Master of Financial Economics, the Master in Economics of IP Paris-HEC and the Phd Program.
Tristan Tomala is associate editor for Operations Research Letters (Area Editor), Dynamic Games and Applications and Theory and Decision.
Scientific articles
Games and Economic Behavior, March 2018, vol. 108, pp 504-522, (in coll. with F. GENSBITTEL, S. LOVO, J. RENAULT)
Journal of Financial Economics, February 2018, vol. 127, n° 2, pp 342-365, (in coll. with J. HÖRNER, S. LOVO)
Journal of Economic Theory, december, 2 2017, vol. 169, pp 400-424, (in coll. with M. LACLAU VIGERAL)
Journal of Economic Theory, September 2015, vol. 159, Part A, pp 401-442, (in coll. with L. RENOU)
Games and Economic Behavior, december, 2 2014, vol. 85, n° 1, pp 1-18, (in coll. with J. RENAULT, L. RENOU)
Mathematics of Operations Research, November 2013, vol. 38, n° 4, pp 617-637,
Theoretical Economics, September 2012, vol. 7, n° 3, pp 489-533, (in coll. with L. Renou)
International Journal of Game Theory, August 2012, vol. 41, n° 3, pp 651-669, (in coll. with M. SCARSINI)
Games and Economic Behavior, January 2012, vol. 74, n° 1, pp 222-234, (in coll. with Y. Heller, E. Solan)
Journal of Economic Theory, September 2011, vol. 146, n° 5, pp 1770-1795, (in coll. with J. Hörner, S. LOVO)
Chapters in edited books
Working papers
Mimeo , 2012
Mimeo , 2010
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2010
Mimeo , 2010
Mimeo , 2010
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2009
Working Papers, Yale School of Management's Economics Research Network , 2009
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2008
Mimeo , 2007
Cahier de recherche du CEREMADE , 2006
Scientific articles
Mathematics of Operations Research, February 2022, vol. 47, n° 1, pp 153-175, (in coll. with F. KOESSLER, M. LACLAU VIGERAL)
Theoretical Economics, May 2022, vol. 17, n° 2, pp 883-927, (in coll. with F. KOESSLER, M. LACLAU VIGERAL, J. RENAULT)
Games and Economic Behavior, March 2022, vol. 132, pp 221-233, (in coll. with E. MACAULT, M. SCARSINI)
Journal of Economic Theory, November 2019, vol. 184, n° 104940, pp 1-43, (in coll. with M. LE TREUST)
Chapters in edited books
Working papers
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2018
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2017
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2015
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2015
Academic appointments
Academic Responsibilities at HEC
- 2017- Professor, Economics - Decision Science HEC Paris
Scientific Activities
Membership in Academic or Professional Organisation
- Membre du groupe MODE de la SMAI. Elu au bureau du Groupe MODE
- Membre elu du conseil d'UFR de l'UFR MD a Paris Dauphine
- Membre et co-responsable scientifique du GDR 2932 Theorie des jeux : Modelisation Mathematique et Applications (
- Membre du GDR MOA Mathematiques de l'optimisation et applications
- Membre de l'Econometric Society