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Associate Professor

Law & Tax

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David Restrepo Amariles is Associate Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Law, as well as the Worldline Chair on the Future of Money at HEC Paris. He serves as the Director of the Centre on the Future of Money and Digital Assets and is a Fellow at the Hi! Paris Centre on Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, where he leads the Smart Law Hub. He is a member of the Collegium — Royal Academy of Sciences, Letters, and Fine Arts of Belgium, where he contributes as a member of the Class Technology and Society. David is a prominent public speaker and a sought-after advisor, offering guidance to firms on digital transformation and co-founding several tech start-ups. He extends his expertise globally, advising governments on legal reform in the realms of data and technology.

David's research endeavours focus on analysing organizational strategies in leveraging emerging technologies to create value within ethical frameworks and regulatory constraints. His interdisciplinary approach encompasses law, strategy, computer science and informatics, and economics and sociology. His publications have appeared in leading journals such as Artificial Intelligence and Law, Computer Law & Security Review, European Law Review, Jurimetrics, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, among others. David has conducted multiple R&D projects with public partners such as the French Cour de cassation, the Swedish Innovation Agency—Vinnova, the Brussels Capital Region, and the European Commission, and private partners such as Atos, Circle, BNPP, Worldline, Baker McKenzie, Dechert LLP, AXA, among others.

David teaches courses on Policy and Regulation of Digital Finance, Innovation and Policy, Data Analytics and AI, and Data Law and Technology Compliance. His courses are delivered jointly with the Stockholm School of Economics (CEMS) and Ecole Polytechnique (MSc Data Science for Business), and as standalone HEC Paris courses in the MSc in International Finance and the Major in Digital Business. With extensive experience in advanced education, David directs the Certificate on the Future of Money and Payments, and the executive education program for Deloitte on AI and Data. He leads multiple executive education programs for managers and executive boards of prominent global firms, as well as for public organizations, including central banks and high-ranking public officials.

Engaged in various academic pursuits, he collaboratively leads the Law, Society, and AI Seminar Series of the Smart Law Hub, and is the current Chair for the Artificial Intelligence Group (SIG) at the American Academy of Legal Studies in Business. He is a panel member of the EU ERC Grants, and co-chairs the CRN ‘Law and Development’ at the American Law and Society Association and at the RCSL. Additionally, he holds editorial roles in reputable publications such as Artificial Intelligence and Law, European Journal of Risk Regulation, International Journal of Law in Context, and the World Arbitration and Mediation Review, while also serving as an Associate editor of Frontiers in Sociology. His contributions include multiple guest editorships including among others in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Law and Society Review, Computer Law & Security Review, and the Journal of Legal Pluralism.

Scientific articles

GDPR120Q: An Annotated Q&A Corpus for Privacy Compliance

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Forthcoming, vol. Artificial intelligence section, (in coll. with ET AL.)

Artificial Intelligence and Compliance

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Forthcoming, (in coll. with K. SATOH)

From Conflict to Co-existence? The Consolidation of the Pluralist Era for Intra-EU Investment Arbitration

Journal of International Economic Law, Forthcoming, n° jgaf006, (in coll. with D. CHARLOTIN, A. VAN WAEYENBERGE)

Ant: a process aware annotation software for regulatory compliance

Artificial Intelligence and Law, August 2024, vol. 32, pp 1075-1110, (in coll. with R. Gyory, G. Lewkowicz, H. Bersini)

Law-jobs in the algorithmic society (special issue introduction)

International Journal of Law in Context, Mars 2023, vol. 19, n° Special Is, pp 1-12, (in coll. with P. R. B. Fortes)

Promises and Limits of Law for a Human-Centric AI

Computer Law & Security Review, April 2023, vol. 48, n° 105795, (in coll. with P. M. BAQUERO)


Computer Law & Security Review, April 2023, vol. 48, pp 105784,

Editorial : Artificial Intelligence Risks and Algorithmic Regulation

European Journal of Risk Regulation, September 2022, vol. 13, n° 3, pp 357-372, (in coll. with P. R. B. Fortes, P. M. BAQUERO)

Computational indicators in the legal profession: Can artificial intelligence measure lawyers' performance?

Illinois Journal of Law, Technology and Policy, Fall 2021, vol. 2021, n° 2, pp 313-361, (in coll. with P. M. BAQUERO, P. BONIOL, R. EL HAMDANI, M. VAZIRGIANNIS)

From Computational Indicators to Law into Technologies: The Internet of Things, Data Analytics and Encoding in COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps

International Journal of Law in Context, June 2021, vol. 17, n° 2, pp 261-274,


Legality and Legitimacy: The Legal and Political Philosophy of Popular Sovereignty in the New Latin American Constitutions

Lambert Academic Publishing

Chapters in edited books

Cartographie des opportunités et des risques pour l’État de droit à l’ère de l’intelligence artificielle

L'Intelligence Artificielle Face À L'État De Droit, C. Derave, B. Frydman, N. Genicot, Larcier Intersentia, 363-380

De la réglementation juridique à la régulation technique de l’IA

Face Aux Défis De L’intelligence Artificielle Générative, B. Frydman, B. Macq, B. Colmant, C. Piérer D'Ieteren, H. Bersini,, Editions de l'Académie Royale de Belgique, 103-126

Algorithmic Decision Systems : Automation and Machine Learning in the Public Administration

The Cambridge Handbook Of The Law Of Algorithms, W. Barfield, Cambridge University Press, 2 , 273-300

Le droit algorithmique : sur l’effacement de la distinction entre la règle et sa mise en œuvre

Le Big Data Et Le Droit, F. G'sell, Dalloz

Does a Global Law Exist? A Reflection on Selden v Airbnb case and Its Aftermath

Global Private International Law, Adjudication Without Frontiers, H. Muir Watt, D. Fernandez Arroyo, L. Bizikova, A. Brandao de Oliveira, Edward Elgar Publishing, 416-435

L’ordre juridique européen et le droit international des investissements : Acmé(a) d’une rivalité ou prémisses d’une solution durable

L'Europe Au Kaléidoscope: Liber Amicorum Marianne Dony, Emmanuelle Bribosia, Nicolas Joncheray, Areg Navasartian et Anne Weyembergh, Editions de l'Université Libre, Bruxelles, 321-336

Les maths du droit - Pratiques et méthodologies des indicateurs juridiques

Index De La Sécurité Juridique. Rapport Pour La Fondation Pour Le Droit Continental, B. Deffains, M. Séjean & R. Espinosa, Dalloz

De la donnée à la décision : comment réguler par des données et des algorithmes

Les Big Data À Decouvert, R. Mosseri, M. Bouzeghoub, CNRS Editions, 92-93

El Arbitraje de Inversiones en Juicio ante la Justicia Europea: Perspectivas Internacionalistas y Europeístas sobre Los Tratados Bilaterales de Inversiones Intra-UE

La Política De La Unión Europea En Materia De Derecho De Las Inversiones Internacionales, Katia Fach Gomez, Bosch Editor, 45-68

Le droit comme instrument de progrès: sur l’idée d’ingénierie juridique

Les Grands Défis Du Droit Global, Caroline Bricteux et Benoît Frydman, Bruylant, 251-259


GPT in the Loop: Evidence from the Field

57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences , 2024 (L. C. YANG, L. ALLEN, A. C. TROUSSEL)

A Combined rule-based and Machine Learning approach to Automate GDPR Compliance Checking

2021 ICAIL, the 18th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law , 2021 , Sao Paulo , June 21-25 (R. EL HAMDANI, M. MUSTAPHA, A. C. TROUSSEL, S. MEEUS, K. KRASNASHCHOK)

JuriBERT: A Masked-Language Model Adaptation for French Legal Text

Proceedings of the Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2021 , 2021 , Punta Cana (S. Douka, H. Abdine, M. VAZIRGIANNIS, R. El Hamdani)

Lex Rosetta: Transfer of Predictive Models Across Languages, Jurisdictions and Legal Domains

2021 ICAIL, the 18th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law , 2021 , Sao Paulo , June 21-25 (ET AL.)

Working papers

Scientific articles

Ant: a process aware annotation software for regulatory compliance

Artificial Intelligence and Law, August 2024, vol. 32, pp 1075-1110, (in coll. with R. Gyory, G. Lewkowicz, H. Bersini)


Computer Law & Security Review, April 2023, vol. 48, pp 105784,

Law-jobs in the algorithmic society (special issue introduction)

International Journal of Law in Context, Mars 2023, vol. 19, n° Special Is, pp 1-12, (in coll. with P. R. B. Fortes)

Promises and Limits of Law for a Human-Centric AI

Computer Law & Security Review, April 2023, vol. 48, n° 105795, (in coll. with P. M. BAQUERO)


Legality and Legitimacy: The Legal and Political Philosophy of Popular Sovereignty in the New Latin American Constitutions

Lambert Academic Publishing

Chapters in edited books

Cartographie des opportunités et des risques pour l’État de droit à l’ère de l’intelligence artificielle

L'Intelligence Artificielle Face À L'État De Droit, C. Derave, B. Frydman, N. Genicot, Larcier Intersentia, 363-380

De la réglementation juridique à la régulation technique de l’IA

Face Aux Défis De L’intelligence Artificielle Générative, B. Frydman, B. Macq, B. Colmant, C. Piérer D'Ieteren, H. Bersini,, Editions de l'Académie Royale de Belgique, 103-126

Algorithmic Decision Systems : Automation and Machine Learning in the Public Administration

The Cambridge Handbook Of The Law Of Algorithms, W. Barfield, Cambridge University Press, 2 , 273-300

Le droit algorithmique : sur l’effacement de la distinction entre la règle et sa mise en œuvre

Le Big Data Et Le Droit, F. G'sell, Dalloz


GPT in the Loop: Evidence from the Field

57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences , 2024 (L. C. YANG, L. ALLEN, A. C. TROUSSEL)

A Combined rule-based and Machine Learning approach to Automate GDPR Compliance Checking

2021 ICAIL, the 18th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law , 2021 , Sao Paulo , June 21-25 (R. EL HAMDANI, M. MUSTAPHA, A. C. TROUSSEL, S. MEEUS, K. KRASNASHCHOK)

JuriBERT: A Masked-Language Model Adaptation for French Legal Text

Proceedings of the Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2021 , 2021 , Punta Cana (S. Douka, H. Abdine, M. VAZIRGIANNIS, R. El Hamdani)

Lex Rosetta: Transfer of Predictive Models Across Languages, Jurisdictions and Legal Domains

2021 ICAIL, the 18th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law , 2021 , Sao Paulo , June 21-25 (ET AL.)

Working papers


  • Doctorat en Sciences juridiques (Ph.D.), Université Libre de Bruxelles - Belgium

Academic appointments

Academic Responsibilities at HEC

  • 2024- Department Head, Business Law and Taxation HEC Paris
  • 2020- Associate Professor, Business Law and Taxation HEC Paris
  • 2014-2019 Assistant Professor, Business Law and Taxation HEC Paris

Scientific Activities

Membership in Academic or Professional Organisation

  • Member, International Law Association, British Branch (ILA)
  • Member, ISA Research Committee for the Sociology of Law (RCSL)
  • Member, Law, Policy and Development Group (Wolfson College)

Editorial activities

  • Board Member, Journal of European Constitutionality Review

  • Conference organisation

  • 2022-2022 Organizer of the Transatlantic Dialogue on Humanity and AI Regulation Event with Janine Hiller (Virginia Tech), Winston Maxwell (Telecom Paris) and Angie Raymond (Indiana University)
  • 2018-2018 Co-organizer of the seminar "Legal Systems for the 21st Century: Markets and Fairness"
  • Organizer, "Legal Data Mining" conference
  • Awards & honors

    • 2020 2019 Bruno Roux de Bezieux Award for teaching initiative
    • 2019 Prize Bruno Roux de Bezieux for Pedagogical Innovation