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Peter Ebbes holds a Ph.D. in economics and marketing from the University of Groningen (Netherlands).

His research focuses on understanding aspects of consumer behavior through data sources now commonly collected by many companies. In his research he develops novel statistical methods to accommodate the increasing complexity of the consumer marketplace and the growing richness of available data sources. Insights from his studies help to improve marketing decision making, particularly concerning segmentation, targeting, and pricing activities.

Peter's work has been published in Marketing Science, Management Science, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Quantitative Marketing and Economics (QME), International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM), Psychometrika, and other journals. He is the winner of the 2011 IJRM Best Paper award. He is the winner of the 2016 HEC Foundation best researcher award. Peter is finalist of the 2015 Shelby D. Hunt/Harold H. Maynard Award, finalist of the 2015 Marketing Science Institute/H. Paul Root Award, and finalist of the 2017 Paul E. Green Award. He is the winner of the 2020 Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing Award.

He served twice on the organizing committee of the Advanced Research Techniques (ART) Forum, a conference that brings together quantitative researchers from industry and academia. He also served as secretary/treasurer of the Section on Statistics in Marketing within the American Statistical Association. Peter is currently a member of the American Marketing Association (AMA), INFORMS, the American Statistical Association (ASA), the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), and the Psychometric Society.

His teaching interests include marketing research and analytics, marketing models, and business analytics. Prior to joining HEC Paris in 2012, he taught at the Ohio State University and Penn State University.

Scientific articles

The sense and non-sense of holdout sample validation in the presence of endogeneity

Marketing Science, November-December 2011, vol. 30, n° 6, pp 1115-1122, (in coll. with D. PAPIES, H. VAN HEERDE)

Revisiting customer value analysis in a heterogeneous market

Journal of Modelling in Management, 2010, vol. 5, n° 1, pp 8-24, (in coll. with C. Snow, D. K. H. Fong, W. DeSarbo)

Modeling strategic group dynamics: a hidden markov modeling approach

Quantitative Marketing and Economics, June 2010, vol. 8, n° 2, pp 241-274, (in coll. with R. Grewal, W. DeSarbo)

Frugal IV alternatives to identify the parameters for an endogenous regressor

Journal of Applied Econometrics, April-May 2009, vol. 24, n° 3, pp 446-468, (in coll. with M. Wedel, U. Böckenholt)

A non-technical guide to instrumental variables and regressor-error dependencies

Quantile, Mars 2007, vol. 2, pp 3-20,

Solving and testing for regressor-error (in)dependence when no instrumental variables are available: with new evidence for the effect of education on income

Quantitative Marketing and Economics, february, 3 2005, vol. 3, n° 4, pp 365-392, (in coll. with M. Wedel, U. Böckenholt, A. G. M. Steerneman)

Regressor and random-effects dependencies in multilevel models

Statistica Neerlandica, december, 2 2004, vol. 58, n° 2, pp 161-178, (in coll. with U. Böckenholt, M. Wedel)

Chapters in edited books


Working papers

Scientific articles

Sampling Designs for Recovering Local and Global Characteristics of Social Networks

International Journal of Research in Marketing, September 2016, vol. 33, n° 3, pp 578-599, (in coll. with Z. HUANG, A. RANGASWAMY)

Attribute-Level Heterogeneity

Management Science, April 2015, vol. 61, n° 4, pp 885-897, (in coll. with J. LIECHTY, R. GREWAL)

The Chief Marketing Officer Matters!

Journal of Marketing, december, 2 2015, vol. 79, n° 3, pp 1-22, (in coll. with F. GERMANN, R. GREWAL)

Properties of Instrumental Variables Estimation in Logit-Based Demand Models: Finite Sample Results

Journal of Modelling in Management, 2014, vol. 9, n° 3, pp 261-289, (in coll. with R. L. ANDREWS)

Chapters in edited books


Working papers


  • Ph.D. in Economics, University of Groningen - The Netherlands
  • M.A. in Econometrics and Marketing, University of Groningen - The Netherlands

Academic appointments

Academic Responsibilities at HEC

  • 2023- Department Head, Marketing HEC Paris
  • 2021- Professor, Marketing HEC Paris
  • 2012-2021 Associate Professor, Marketing HEC Paris

Scientific Activities

Membership in Academic or Professional Organisation

  • American Marketing Association (member since fall 2005)
  • INFORMS (member since fall 2005)
  • Psychometric Society (member since fall 2005)
  • American Statistical Association (member since fall 2009)
  • European Marketing Academy EMAC (member since 2014)

Conference organisation

  • 2018-2018 Big Data @ HEC conference organizer, 1st edition
  • Awards & honors

    • 2020 2020 Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing Award
    • 2016 HEC Foundation Best Researcher Award
    • 2011 Winner of the 2011 IJRM Best Paper award