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Assistant Professor


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Craig L. Anderson is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at HEC Paris. He received his PhD from the University of California, Berkeley in Social Psychology and subsequently conducted research as the Postdoctoral Scholar in Marketing at the Olin Business School at Washington University in St. Louis.

His expertise is in affective science, that is, how people’s emotions and their attempts to regulate their emotions impact their behavior, choices, and relationships. He uses diverse methodologies in his research, including psychophysiology, neuroendocrinology, field studies, peer report, personality assessment, expressive behavior coding, daily diaries, and neurogenetics. His work has been published in top journals such as the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, and the Journal of Experimental Psychology.

His current research interests include the impact of brand transgressions on consumer-brand relationships and sustainable consumer behavior. He also has a longstanding interest in the emotion of awe and is currently investigating how this emotion promotes the curiosity and well-being of consumers.

Scientific articles

The dark side of the sublime: Distinguishing a threat-based variant of awe.

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2017, vol. 113, n° 2, pp 310-328, (in coll. with A. M. Gordon, J. E. Stellar, G. D. McNeil, D. Loew, D. Keltner)

Scientific articles

Profiles in empathy: Different empathic responses to emotional and physical suffering.

Journal of Experimental Psychology : General, July 2020, vol. 149, n° 7, pp 1398-1416, (in coll. with J. E. Stellar, A. Gatchpazian)

When does changing emotions harm authenticity? Distinct reappraisal strategies differentially impact subjective and observer-rated authenticity

Self and Identity, 2020, vol. 19, n° 5, pp 590-612, (in coll. with S. Chen, Ö. Ayduk)

Awe and humility

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2018, vol. 114, n° 2, pp 258-269, (in coll. with J. E. Stellar, A. Gordon, P. K. Piff, G. D. McNeil, D. Keltner)

Awe in nature heals: Evidence from military veterans, at-risk youth, and college students.

Emotion, December 2018, vol. 18, n° 8, pp 1195-1202, (in coll. with M. Monroy, D. Keltner)


  • Ph.D. in Social-Personality Psychology, University of California, Berkeley - USA

Academic appointments

Academic Responsibilities at HEC

  • 2023- Assistant Professor, Marketing HEC Paris
  • 2023- Member of GREGHEC, the joint research laboratory CNRS-HEC Paris, GREGHEC HEC Paris

Scientific Activities

Membership in Academic or Professional Organisation

  • Association for Consumer Research; Society for Consumer Psychology; Society for Judgement and Decision Making; Society for Personality and Social Psychology; Society for Affective Science

Editorial activities

  • 2021- Editorial board: Affective Science
  • Ad hoc reviewing: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Emotion, Frontiers in Psychology: Emotion Science