CNRS Research Professor
Economics and Decision Sciences

Mohammed Abdellaoui studies individual decision-making with an eye to the perception of uncertainty and time from both behavioral and formal perspectives. Abdellaoui’s research has been published in a number of journals in economics, management sciences and psychology, including the American Economic Review, Econometrica, Management Science, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Econometrics, Games and Economic Behavior, Economic Theory, Operation Research, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, and Theory and Decision. Prof. Abdellaoui was also the president of the French Association of Experimental Economics (ASFEE) and the co-founder of Rislab (Risk, Insurance, and Savings Laboratory, Ghent University, Belgium), an international research network. Prof. Abdellaoui is also the Editor-in-Chief of Theory and Decision, an International Journal for Multidisciplinary Advances in Decision Science.
Prior to joining HEC Paris in 2007 as a Research Director at CNRS and a Professor of Decision Sciences, Abdellaoui was a CNRS Researcher and lecturer (Optimization, Behavioral Decision Theory, Decision Analysis) at ENS de Cachan (1993-2002) and at ENSAM & ESTP (2002-2007). Abdellaoui joined the CNRS as a researcher in 1993 after a PhD in “Mathematical Economics and Econometrics” from the University of Aix-Marseille III.
Scientific articles
American Economic Review, April 2011, vol. 101, n° 2, pp 695-723, (in coll. with A. Baillon, L. Placido, P. Wakker)
Economic Journal, June 2010, vol. 120, n° 545, pp 845-866, (in coll. with A. Attema, H. Bleichrodt)
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, August 2010, vol. 41, n° 1, pp 39-65, (in coll. with O. L'HARIDON, H. Zank)
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, June 2008, vol. 36, n° 3, pp 245-266, (in coll. with H. Bleichrodt, O. L'HARIDON)
Management Science, October 2007, vol. 53, n° 10, pp 1659-1674, (in coll. with H. Bleichrodt, C. PARASCHIV)
Journal of Econometrics, december, 2 2007, vol. 138, n° 1, pp 356-378, (in coll. with C. Barrios, P. Wakker)
Journal of Economic Psychology, february, 3 2007, vol. 28, n° 6, pp 631-645, (in coll. with H. Bleichrodt)
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, March 2005, vol. 30, n° 2, pp 107-131, (in coll. with G. WU, J. Zhang)
Theory and Decision, 2005, vol. 58, n° 1, pp 3-76, (in coll. with P. Wakker)
Management Science, 2005, vol. 51, n° 9, pp 1384-1399, (in coll. with M. Vossmann, M. Weber)
Chapters in edited books
Working papers
Scientific articles
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, aout 2018, vol. 57, n° 1, pp 1-28, (in coll. with C. GUTIERREZ, E. KEMEL)
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, February 2016, vol. 52, n° 1, pp 1-20, (in coll. with H. BLEICHRODT, O. L'HARIDON, D. VAN DOLDER)
Management Science, June 2015, vol. 61, n° 6, pp 1306-1322, (in coll. with P. KLIBANOFF, L. PLACIDO)
Marketing Letters, September 2014, vol. 25, n° 3, pp 269-280, (in coll. with A. DE PALMA, G. ATTANASI, M. BEN-AKIVA, I. EREV, H. FEHR-DUDA, D. FOK, C. FOX, R. HERTWIG, N. PICARD, P. P. WAKKER, J. WALKER, M. WEBER)
Chapters in edited books
Working papers
Academic appointments
Academic Responsibilities at HEC
- 2020- CNRS Research Professor , Economics and Decision Science HEC Paris
- 2007- Member of GREGHEC, the joint research laboratory CNRS-HEC Paris HEC Paris
Scientific Activities
Membership in Academic or Professional Organisation
- Elu president de l'Association Francaise d'Economie Experimentale
- Econometric Society
- ASFEE (Association Francaise dEconomie Experimentale)
Awards & honors
- 2009 Decision Analysis Society Publication Award, for the article "Loss Aversion under Prospect Theory: A Parameter-Free Measurement", Management Science, October 2007