PhD - Story - Dimitrios Andritsos
We get to explore together research questions of mutual interest

Working at HEC Paris and interacting with students across programs has been a pleasure since the very beginning of my career here. Working with PhD students in particular, has been uniquely fulfilling because the nature of the PhD program allows the development of a deep and meaningful relation with the students. We get to explore together research questions of mutual interest and in the process learn from each other. During this process it is very exciting to observe how the students mature and become ready to lead successful research careers upon completion of the program.
The PhD program at HEC Paris uniquely combines rigor and flexibility. At the beginning of the program the students become proficient in research tools that they will subsequently apply to explore with scientific rigor the research questions of their choice. The broad range of research interests among our faculty and their willingness to spend time with them, provides the PhD students with substantial flexibility and support for developing their doctoral dissertations.
Our PhD students come to HEC Paris from all over the world. Despite their different backgrounds they all share the willingness, skills and strength to become successful and independent researchers. As such they are the key “ingredient” for the development of a very warm and welcoming environment towards which all students can turn during the ups and (inevitable) downs of PhD study.