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Business Case: Barack Obama and the Boss – Really?

Business Case: Barack Obama and the Boss – Really?
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A new business case written by Nils Plambeck, Associate Professor of Strategy & Business Policy at HEC Paris, has been published recently on The Case Centre. The fictional case study is conceptualized on two levels, by exploring the concept of power and influence through an example of Obama’s presidency, and by describing an EMBA student’s power basis.

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The first level of the case study is the overall context – a session of an executive MBA program with the concept of power and influence as its core topic. The example of Barack Obama, his presidency, and his activities thereafter allow us to explore with participants how to develop the basis of social power.

On the second level, the protagonist of the case, Sophie Millner, a participant in an EMBA program, is described. She struggles at work and reflects upon her own power base. Sophie was expecting a promotion which she truly deserved but did not get. Instead, a lesser qualified person got the promotion. 

Sophie joined the prestigious RatioVitalData (RVD) Corporation, which specializes in data management in the healthcare sector, about three years ago. Sophie had been the creative force behind some of RVD's successful innovation campaigns, especially in data compression. Her drive for excellence was noted not only by her manager but also by her colleagues. Her work and success gave her great pride, and she was not shy about showing her dedication and drive to enhance the company’s services and products. 

Sophie was regularly asked to lead smaller specialized development teams. In most cases, she carried most of the project's weight on her shoulders and seemed to work round the clock. At the end of the projects, often delivered before the official deadline, she presented remarkable results. Although Sophie was successful in exploring and implementing new ideas, she had not been offered another step on the promotion ladder since her arrival at RVD. 

During her last appraisal meeting, Sophie’s manager told her that her development efforts were excellent. Still, maybe she could aim to take on the role of team captain in an indeterminate future. Her future potential leadership role was not discussed at any greater length. In this context, bases of power and influence are explored. 

why this case?

Power is an essential resource for any actor in organizations. Thus, it is critical for students and participants in executive education to gain a very good understanding of this phenomenon. Using Barack Obama as an example, the instructor can discuss the concepts of power and influence with the participants. The position of the presidency is an extreme example of power. On the one hand, it is easier to explain the basis of power for this top job. On the other hand, this creates an interesting contrast with the situation of our protagonist Sophie, who feels powerless. The juxtaposition provides an interesting basis for class discussions further to explore the nuances and dynamics of power and influence.


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