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Arnd Vomberg joined the Marketing Department at the HEC Paris in the Fall of 2024 as an Associate Professor.

Arnd Vomberg's research falls into the area of marketing strategy and looks at three major changes that companies are currently undergoing: The ongoing digital transformation, the agility transformation, and the transition to a socially responsible marketing approach. For example, he is interested in algorithmic pricing and the impact of marketing on employees. The results of his research have been recognized and published in top-tier business research journals such as the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and the International Journal of Research in Marketing. He is co-editor of the Handbook of Market Research and several special issues of academic journals.

Arnd Vomberg earned a doctorate from the University of Mannheim (Germany). Prior to joining HEC Paris, he was an Associate Professor with Tenure at the University of Groningen (Netherlands) and the Professor of Digital Marketing and Marketing Transformation at the University of Mannheim.

Articles scientifiques

Algorithmic pricing: Effects on consumer trust and price search

International Journal of Research in Marketing, À paraître, (in coll. with C. Homburg, P. Sarantopoulos)

Unveiling investment vs. Ownership perspectives among NFT buyers: A segmentation study exploring engagement patterns in NFT markets

International Journal of Research in Marketing, À paraître, (in coll. with M. Von Gegerfelt)

Digital knowledge engineering for strategy development

Journal of Business Research, 2024, vol. 177, n° 114632, (in coll. with E. de Haan, N. Etienne Fabian, T. Broekhuizen)

Salesperson lifecycle management: Challenges and research priorities

Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 2024, vol. 44, n° 3, (in coll. with S. ALAVI, J. HABEL)

The cold-start problem in nascent AI strategy: Kickstarting data network effects

Journal of Business Research, novembre 2023, vol. 168, n° 114236, (in coll. with N. SCHAUERTE, S. KRAKOWSKI, C. INGRAM BOGUSZ, M. GIJSENBERG, A. BLEIER)

Design and Governance of Multichannel Sales Systems: Financial Performance Consequences in Business-to-Business Markets

Journal of Marketing Research, décembre 2020, vol. 57, n° 6, pp 1113-1134, (in coll. with C. Homburg, S. Muehlhaeuser)

Tolerating and Managing Failure: An Organizational Perspective on Customer Reacquisition Management

Journal of Marketing, septembre 2020, vol. 84, n° 5, pp 117-136, (in coll. with C. Homburg, O. Gwinner)

Supporting New Product Launches With Social Media Communication and Online Advertising: Sales Volume and Profit Implications

Journal of Product Innovation Management, mars 2019, vol. 36, n° 2, pp 172-195, (in coll. with R. L. Gruner, C. Homburg, B. A. Lukas)

The multichannel pricing dilemma: Do consumers accept higher offline than online prices?

International Journal of Research in Marketing, décembre 2019, vol. 36, n° 4, pp 597-612, (in coll. with C. Homburg, K. Lauer)

Talented people and strong brands: The contribution of human capital and brand equity to firm value

Strategic Management Journal, décembre 2015, vol. 36, n° 13, pp 2122-2131, (in coll. with C. Homburg, T. Bornemann)


Handbook of Market Research

Springer Cham (in coll. with C. HOMBURG, M. KLARMANN )

Handbook of Market Research

Springer Gabler: Wiesbaden (in coll. with C. HOMBURG, M. KLARMANN )

Chapitres d'ouvrages

Dynamic Pricing Process: How to Transition from Fixed to Dynamic Pricing?

Digital Pricing Strategy: Capturing Value From Digital Innovations, Stephan M. Liozu, Andreas Hinterhuber, Routledge, London, 27-38

Crafting Survey Research: A Systematic Process for Conducting Survey Research

Handbook Of Market Research, Christian Homburg, Martin Klarmann, Arnd Vomberg, Springer Cham, 67-119

Panel Data Analysis: A Non-technical Introduction for Marketing Researchers

Handbook Of Market Research, Christian Homburg, Martin Klarmann, Arnd Vomberg, Springer Cham, 411-467

Pricing in the Digital Age - A Roadmap to Becoming a Dynamic Pricing Retailer

The Digital Transformation Handbook, B. S. Baalmans, T. L. J. Broekhuizen, N. E. Fabian, Groningen Digital Business Centre, 204-233

Dynamic Pricing: Preisfindung auf elektronischen Marktplätzen

Handbuch Digitale Wirtschaft, Tobias Kollmann, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 653-677

Articles scientifiques

Digital knowledge engineering for strategy development

Journal of Business Research, 2024, vol. 177, n° 114632, (in coll. with E. de Haan, N. Etienne Fabian, T. Broekhuizen)

Salesperson lifecycle management: Challenges and research priorities

Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 2024, vol. 44, n° 3, (in coll. with S. ALAVI, J. HABEL)

The cold-start problem in nascent AI strategy: Kickstarting data network effects

Journal of Business Research, novembre 2023, vol. 168, n° 114236, (in coll. with N. SCHAUERTE, S. KRAKOWSKI, C. INGRAM BOGUSZ, M. GIJSENBERG, A. BLEIER)

Design and Governance of Multichannel Sales Systems: Financial Performance Consequences in Business-to-Business Markets

Journal of Marketing Research, décembre 2020, vol. 57, n° 6, pp 1113-1134, (in coll. with C. Homburg, S. Muehlhaeuser)


Handbook of Market Research

Springer Cham (in coll. with C. HOMBURG, M. KLARMANN )

Handbook of Market Research

Springer Gabler: Wiesbaden (in coll. with C. HOMBURG, M. KLARMANN )

Chapitres d'ouvrages

Dynamic Pricing Process: How to Transition from Fixed to Dynamic Pricing?

Digital Pricing Strategy: Capturing Value From Digital Innovations, Stephan M. Liozu, Andreas Hinterhuber, Routledge, London, 27-38

Crafting Survey Research: A Systematic Process for Conducting Survey Research

Handbook Of Market Research, Christian Homburg, Martin Klarmann, Arnd Vomberg, Springer Cham, 67-119

Panel Data Analysis: A Non-technical Introduction for Marketing Researchers

Handbook Of Market Research, Christian Homburg, Martin Klarmann, Arnd Vomberg, Springer Cham, 411-467

Pricing in the Digital Age - A Roadmap to Becoming a Dynamic Pricing Retailer

The Digital Transformation Handbook, B. S. Baalmans, T. L. J. Broekhuizen, N. E. Fabian, Groningen Digital Business Centre, 204-233


  • Doctorat, Sciences de Gestion, -, University of Mannheim - Allemagne

Nominations académiques

Responsabilités académiques à HEC

  • 2024- Professeur Associé, Marketing HEC Paris

Responsabilités académiques externes

  • 2021-2021 Professeur Associé University of Groningen
  • 2019-2021 Professeur Assistant University of Groningen
  • 2018-2018 Professeur visitant Columbia Business School
  • 2014-2018 Professeur Assistant University of Mannheim

Activités scientifiques

Adhésion à l'organisation académique ou professionnelle

  • Membre de Association for Professors in Business Administration (VHB), American Marketing Association, and the European Marketing Association