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Evren ORS

Professeur Associé


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Evren Örs est Professeur Associé dans le Département Finance d'HEC Paris. Il a obtenu son Ph.D. de Boston College en 1999. Ses projets de recherche couvrent, entre autres, l’impacte de la régulation bancaire sur le commerce international, les effets de l’intégration bancaire sur la croissance des industries et leurs activités M&A, l’impacte de la régulation sur la compensation des employés indispensables. Il a des articles de recherche accepté dans Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Review of Economics and Statistics, Accounting Organizations and Society, Journal of Money Credit and Banking, Journal of Financial Intermediation, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Corporate Finance, entre autres publications. Entre Septembre 2015-Août 2017 Evren fut le Coordinateur du Département Finance à HEC Paris. Depuis Décembre 2015 il est Directeur Académique de l’Executive Master in Finance d’HEC Paris et des certificats executifs associés. Il sert comme liaison académique entre le Département Finance et Executive Education d'HEC Paris. Il enseigne des cours de finance aux niveaux master et executive education.

Articles scientifiques

The predictive power of implied volatility: Evidence from 35 futures markets

Journal of Banking and Finance, novembre 2003, vol. 11, n° 27, pp 2151-2176, (in coll. with A. Szakmary, J. Kim, W. Davidson III)

Bank Performance Around the Introduction of a Section 20 Subsidiary

Journal of Finance, février 2002, vol. 57, n° 1, pp 501-521, (in coll. with M. CORNETT, H. Tehranian)

Using Implied Volatility on Options to Measure the Relation Between Asset Retums and Variability

Journal of Banking and Finance, juillet 2001, vol. 25, n° 7, pp 1245-1269, (in coll. with W. Davidson, J. Kim, A. Szakmary)

Hedging Corporate Bond Portfolios across the Business Cycle

Journal of Fixed Income, mars 1996, vol. 5, pp 56-60, (in coll. with A. Marcus)

Actes de conférence

Cahiers de recherche

State-Subsidies and Firm Performance: Evidence from France

Mimeo , 2025

U.S. Banking Integration and State-Level Exports

Mimeo , 2025

Articles scientifiques

Systemic Risk in Clearing Houses: Evidence from the European Repo Market

Journal of Financial Economics, septembre 2017, vol. 125, n° 3, pp 511-536, (in coll. with C. BOISSEL, F. DERRIEN, D. THESMAR)

Performance Gender-Gap: Does Competition Matter ?

Journal of Labor Economics, juillet 2013, vol. 31, n° 3, pp 443-499, (in coll. with F. Palomino, E.-A. PEYRACHE)

(Interstate) banking and (interstate) trade: Does real integration follow financial integration?

Journal of Financial Economics, avril 2012, vol. 104, n° 1, pp 89-117, (in coll. with T. K. MICHALSKI)

The Competitive Dynamics of Geographic Deregulation in Banking: Implications for Productive Efficiency

Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, août 2008, vol. 40, n° 5, pp 897-928, (in coll. with D. Evanoff)

Actes de conférence

Cahiers de recherche

U.S. Banking Integration and State-Level Exports

Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2014

Subsidies and Firm performance

Mimeo , 2008

Bank Imputed Interest Rates: Unbiased Estimates of Offered Rates?

FRB of Chicago Working Paper , 2006

Advertising and Pricing at Multiple Output Firms: Evidence from U.S. Thrift Institutions

FRB of Chicago Working Paper , 2004


  • Ph.D. in Finance, Carroll School of Management - Boston College - Etats-Unis
  • M.S. in Finance, Carroll School of Management - Boston College - Etats-Unis
  • Master of Business Administration, Middle East Technical University (M.E.T.U.) - Turquie
  • B.S. in Mechanical Eng., Middle East Technical University (M.E.T.U.) - Turquie

Nominations académiques

Responsabilités académiques à HEC

  • 2021- Liaison Académique avec Exec Ed d'HEC Paris & HEC Paris @ Qatar HEC Paris
  • 2020- Directeur Académique Executive Certificate in Asset Management HEC Paris
  • 2018- Directeur Académique Executive Certificate in Valuation HEC Paris
  • 2015- Directeur Académique, Executive Master in Finance HEC Paris
  • 2003-2008 Professeur Assistant HEC Paris

Activités scientifiques

Adhésion à l'organisation académique ou professionnelle

  • Research Affiliate, Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)
  • Membre, French Finance Association
  • Membre, European Finance Association
  • Membre, American Finance Association

Activités scientifiques

  • Ad hoc referee for the Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Review of Finance, Journal of Money Credit and Banking, Journal of Financial Intermediation, Journal of Banking & Finance, Journal of Financial Services Research, among others.
  • Associate Editor, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking

  • Conference organisation

  • 2022-2022 HEC Paris/Natixis Bank Chair Conference: Banking in the Age of Challenges
  • 2022-2022 HEC Paris-CEPR Conf on Banking, Finance, Macroeconomics and the Real Economy
  • 2019- 7th HEC Paris Workshop on Banking, Finance, Macroeconomics and the Real Economy
  • 2018-2018 6th HEC Paris Workshop on Banking, Finance, Macroeconomics, and the Real Economy
  • 2017- 5th HEC Paris Workshop on Banking, Finance, Macroeconomics, and the Real Economy
  • 2016- 4th HEC Paris Workshop on Banking, Finance, Macroeconomics, and the Real Economy
  • 2015- 3rd HEC Paris Workshop on Banking, Finance, Macroeconomics, and the Real Economy
  • 2014- 2nd HEC Paris Workshop on Banking, Finance, Macroeconomics, and the Real Economy
  • 2013- 1st HEC Paris Workshop on Banking, Finance, Macroeconomics, and the Real Economy
  • 2011-2011 HEC Paris/CEPR/EBC/NYSE-Euronext Conf on Financial Intermediation and The Real Economy
  • 2009- HEC-INSEAD-PSE Workshop in Economics and Finance
  • Member, Conference Program Committees: FMA 2001 and 2002 Annual Meeting ; Southern Finance Association 2000 Meeting