Professeur Associé (Education Track - Campus Doha)
Management et Ressources Humaines

Dr. Shaheena Janjuha-Jivraj, FRSA, is Associate Professor in Entrepreneurial Leadership and Diversity at HEC Paris in Qatar.
Shaheena has over a decade of experience working the field of gender diversity in leadership. She combines a pragmatic approach to research and capacity building by working with different organisations to create plans and cultures to promote and achieve gender balance across the organisational pipeline. Her work also addresses creating inclusive cultures to strengthen the retention and promotion of women into leadership roles. She works with public organisations, NGOs and private business leaders globally including FTSE100, Fortune 500 to help them transform their cultures and work on specific interventions that strengthen gender diversity on the workplace.
Shaheena was worked on gender leadership policy reports for the European Union (2013) and authoring baseline reports for the UK Cabinet Office and Baseline surveys for women in leadership commissioned by the Commonwealth Secretariat published in 2015 and 2018 during the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings. She has regularly speaks at events focusing on promoting women’s parity in the workplace with global organisations including UN Women, the OECD, Chatham House, the House of Lords (UK). Her research across fifty-three countries on women in leadership culminating in a book she co-authored; ‘Championing Women Leaders, Beyond Sponsorship’ by Palgrave MacMillan. Shaheena is a Forbes contributor writing on diversity, leadership and innovation.
Shaheena has held academic roles in the UK and set up Centres for Entrepreneurship at Brunel Business School and Henley Business School (HBS) and she was also School Director for Diversity and Inclusion at HBS. She holds a PhD in Family Business Management from Brunel Business School (UK).
Her latest book ‘Futureproof Your Career’ (co-authored with Dr. Naeema Pasha) is published by Bloomsbury Press.
Articles scientifiques
Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 2012, vol. 25, n° 2, pp 201-215, (in coll. with L. Martin, A. Danko)
International Small Business Journal, 2009, vol. 27, n° 6, pp 702-719, (in coll. with L. J. Spence)
Journal of Business Ethics, 2008, vol. 81, n° 2, pp 355-370, (in coll. with N. Cornelius, M. Todres, A. Woods, J. Wallace)
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2004, vol. 30, n° 4, pp 781-797,
Journal of Business Ethics, 2003, vol. 47, n° 1, pp 31-43,
International Small Business Journal, 2002, vol. 20, n° 1, pp 77-94, (in coll. with A. Woods)
Kogan Page (in coll. with D. MOUROT-HAXAIRE, A. V. CORBOZ )
Bloomsbury Publishing (in coll. with N. PASHA )
Palgrave Macmillan (in coll. with K. CHISHOLM )
Palgrave Macmillan
Chapitres d'ouvrages
International Handbook Of Entrepreneurship And Hrm, R. Barrett, S. Mayson, Edward Elgar Publishing
Articles scientifiques
Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 2012, vol. 25, n° 2, pp 201-215, (in coll. with L. Martin, A. Danko)
International Small Business Journal, 2009, vol. 27, n° 6, pp 702-719, (in coll. with L. J. Spence)
Journal of Business Ethics, 2008, vol. 81, n° 2, pp 355-370, (in coll. with N. Cornelius, M. Todres, A. Woods, J. Wallace)
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2004, vol. 30, n° 4, pp 781-797,
Kogan Page (in coll. with D. MOUROT-HAXAIRE, A. V. CORBOZ )
Bloomsbury Publishing (in coll. with N. PASHA )
Palgrave Macmillan (in coll. with K. CHISHOLM )
Palgrave Macmillan
Chapitres d'ouvrages
International Handbook Of Entrepreneurship And Hrm, R. Barrett, S. Mayson, Edward Elgar Publishing
Nominations académiques
Responsabilités académiques à HEC
- 2021- Professeur Associé (Education Track - Campus Doha) de leadership et diversité, Management et Ressources Humaines HEC Paris
Activités scientifiques
Adhésion à l'organisation académique ou professionnelle
- Advisory Board Member at Qatar Women's Engineering Association