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Peter Mathias FISCHER

Professeur Associé (Education Track)


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Peter Mathias Fischer is member of the management board at the Institute for Marketing and Customer Insight at the University of St. Gallen (Switzerland; until August 31st, 2023) and incoming Associate Professor of Marketing as well as Academic Director of Creative Destruction Labs’ AI stream at HEC Paris (effective September 1st, 2023). Previously, he had been a guest professor at HEC Paris and at the Wharton Business School where he taught in the MBA program. Peter studied business administration with intercultural qualification and a focus on marketing and management accounting at the University of Mannheim (Germany) and the University of Florida (USA). He received his doctorate degree (with the highest distinction) from the University of St. Gallen (Switzerland) and has spent research visits at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (USA) and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (China).

Conducting research at the intersection of strategy, managerial decision-making, international business, (big) data, AI, psychology, and technology with publications in leading academic outlets such as the Journal of International Business Studies, Peter has a particularly strong interest in bridging the gap between academia and practice. For instance, he has been co-directing “Best Practice in Marketing”, a cross-industry bench-learning executive program with leading companies aimed at translating the latest research insights into practice as well as generating novel and relevant topics through discussions with executives. For almost 15 years, Peter has been training top managers on various topics such as international business, consumer behavior, content marketing and storytelling, data analytics, digital marketing, managerial decision-making, or psychology of technology etc. in multiple countries including Brazil, Columbia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Malaysia, Mexico, Switzerland, or the US. Peter is not only active in executive education, but also consults companies and regularly acts as a keynote speaker.

Being a passionate singer and piano player, Peter is the co-founder of Sound Leadership, a New York based company that helped organizations develop and implement strategies by means of music and songwriting. For his work, Peter, among others, was nominated for the Crédit Suisse Best Teaching Award at the University of St. Gallen and received the Communication Impact Award for his research on the worldwide perception of Switzerland and Swiss products (“Swissness Studies”) being granted to the faculty member with the strongest research impact on public media and society. Peter is Vice President of the research institute of the “Association of German Business Academics and Economists”, the largest network of business academics and economists in Germany. Between 2015 and 2021, he served as a member of the executive committee of the European Marketing Academy, the leading European organization for marketing academics.

Largely dominating his passion for music and mountaineering (i.e., ski touring and freeride skiing), Peter enjoys spending his leisure time with his young family and his two little boys.

Articles scientifiques

Authentic brand ethicality: conceptualization, measurement, and validation in the fashion industry

Journal of Business Ethics, 2025, vol. 196, pp 883-915, (in coll. with K. P. ZEUGNER-ROTH, I. M. HESSEL)

Pride and prejudice: Unraveling and mitigating domestic country bias

Journal of International Business Studies, avril 2022, vol. 53, pp 405-433, (in coll. with K. P. Zeugner-Roth, C. S. Katsikeas, M. Pandelaere)

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Exploring drivers, barriers, and future developments in marketing management

Journal of Business Research, octobre 2022, vol. 149, pp 599-614, (in coll. with G. Volkmar, S. Reinecke)

Künstliche Intelligenz im Marketing: Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen

Die Unternehmung, septembre 2021, vol. 75, n° 3, pp 359-375, (in coll. with G. VOLKMAR, S. REINECKE)

Disentangling country-of-origin effects: the interplay of product ethnicity, national identity, and consumer ethnocentrism

Marketing Letters, juin 2017, vol. 28, pp 189-204, (in coll. with K. P. Zeugner-Roth)

Articles scientifiques

Authentic brand ethicality: conceptualization, measurement, and validation in the fashion industry

Journal of Business Ethics, 2025, vol. 196, pp 883-915, (in coll. with K. P. ZEUGNER-ROTH, I. M. HESSEL)

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Exploring drivers, barriers, and future developments in marketing management

Journal of Business Research, octobre 2022, vol. 149, pp 599-614, (in coll. with G. Volkmar, S. Reinecke)

Pride and prejudice: Unraveling and mitigating domestic country bias

Journal of International Business Studies, avril 2022, vol. 53, pp 405-433, (in coll. with K. P. Zeugner-Roth, C. S. Katsikeas, M. Pandelaere)

Künstliche Intelligenz im Marketing: Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen

Die Unternehmung, septembre 2021, vol. 75, n° 3, pp 359-375, (in coll. with G. VOLKMAR, S. REINECKE)


  • Ph.D., in Economics, Université de Saint-Gall - Suisse

Nominations académiques

Responsabilités académiques à HEC

  • 2023- Professeur Associé (Education Track), Marketing HEC Paris
  • 2023- Membre du GREGHEC, le laboratoire de recherche CNRS-HEC Paris, GREGHEC HEC Paris

Activités scientifiques

Adhésion à l'organisation académique ou professionnelle

  • Affiliations to American Marketing Association; European Marketing Academy; Association for Consumer Research; Society for Judgment and Decision-Making

Activités scientifiques

  • Ad-hoc reviewer for Organization Science, Marketing Letters, Journal of Business Research, International Marketing Review, Schmalenbach Business Review, and Marketing Review St. Gallen
  • Ad-hoc reviewer for several conferences (e.g., Society of Judgment and Decision Making; La Londe Conference; American Marketing Association Winter Educators’ Conference; American Marketing Association Summer Educators’ Conference; European Marketing Academy Conference)