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Faculté et Recherche

"Gamification in platform organizing: The orchestration of affective attachments in everyday life"

28 oct
14H00 - 15H30


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2022-10-28T14:00:00 2022-10-28T15:30:00 "Gamification in platform organizing: The orchestration of affective attachments in everyday life" Accounting and Management Control Speaker: Matteo Ronzani (University of Manchester) Room : T004   Jouy-en-Josas

Département Comptabilité-Contrôle de Gestion

Invité : Matteo Ronzani (University of Manchester)

Salle : T004


Abstract :




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2022-10-28T14:00:00 2022-10-28T15:30:00 "Gamification in platform organizing: The orchestration of affective attachments in everyday life" Accounting and Management Control Speaker: Matteo Ronzani (University of Manchester) Room : T004   Jouy-en-Josas