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On ESG Investing: Heterogeneous Preferences, Information, and Asset Prices - Lin Shen

22 Sep
14H00 - 15H00


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2022-09-22T14:00:00 2022-09-22T15:00:00 On ESG Investing: Heterogeneous Preferences, Information, and Asset Prices - Lin Shen Finance Speaker : Lin Shen (INSEAD)   Jouy-en-Josas


Speaker : Lin Shen (INSEAD)

We study how environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing reshapes information aggregation by prices. We develop a rational expectations equilibrium model in which traditional and green investors are informed about nancial and ESG risks but have di erent preferences over them. Because of the preference heterogeneity, traditional and green investors trade in the opposite directions based on the same information. We show that the equilibrium price may not be uniquely determined. An increase in the fraction of green investors and an improvement in the ESG information quality can reduce price informativeness about the nancial payo and raise the cost of capital.

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Ajouter au calendrier
2022-09-22T14:00:00 2022-09-22T15:00:00 On ESG Investing: Heterogeneous Preferences, Information, and Asset Prices - Lin Shen Finance Speaker : Lin Shen (INSEAD)   Jouy-en-Josas